Don’t let the debtor and credit companies keep you in fear. Schedule a free consultation and start the process to fight back today.
Helping The San Antonio Community One Case At A Time
Practice Area
Get The Defense You Need
Nobody intends to put themselves into crippling debt. When our clients come to see us, they tell us stories of how life got out of control, an expense that they had to pay, or a series of unfortunate events leading to massive credit debt. The reasons why people go into massive debt are vast, but it’s never a situation they want to put themselves into.
Whatever the reason you need our help, we want to see how we can help you get out of your current situation. We know the stress of the calls reminding you of your debts, collectors harassing you, and the financial distress is a lot to handle, and we’ll do our best to defend you from that.
Meet Our Attorneys
Frederick F. Hoelke
Scott Gilbert
Frederick F. Hoelke
Scott Gilbert
40 Years Of Defending Against Credit Companies
For 40 years The Hoelke Law Firm P.L.L.C. has been fighting back against credit companies. Frequently we come across clients who didn’t even realize they were being sued, are afraid, and are coming to us as a last resort. We welcome them and through a free initial consultation and can discuss their individual needs. We want to make sure that you can go home knowing that you have someone on your side to stand with you against the credit companies that won’t stop calling.
Schedule A Free Consultation Today
Coming into the office to speak to us will not cost you anything at all. We want to hear from you so call us today at 210-888-0348 or use our online contact form.